Branding / Website Design / Website Development / Discord Bot

Spectre Brand and Website Design
We started out with the Spectre logo which was meaningfully designed to fit with the meaning of the Spectre name. We saw this to be a unknowing dark yet powerful character - that's how we chose our dark theme with the added blue for a splash of colour.
Spectre's fonts and colours were specially selected to fit with the Discord Bot industry and basic content legibility. Content legibility is an important feature in all formats of design as content consumption should be easy and effortless, for this reason it is also one of our first considerations when designing a brand/site.

Website Development
Through the development of Spectre's website, updatability was a major need that was more than necessary. We opted to use PHP for the navigation and footer so that the site's regular features can globally adapted in just seconds.
Discord Bot
Spectre's main focus was to have it be the ultimate Discord toolset, so we started the development of what would become one of the fastest growing bots out there! Boasting over an estimated 264,000 users globally it's safe to say people loved the outcome of this project!